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Humans First. Customers Second. One Focus Going Forward After This Pandemic.

Compassion and reassurance are so critical at this time of uncertainty in our world. Yet even as individuals come to the aid of each other, brands need to think about how they step up to providing comfort and support as well to their community and followers. Why is this so important? Any strong brand has an identity that reflects the essence of who they are in a mutually respectful brand-customer relationship...through both good and bad times. In good times, emotional and functional benefits result in increased revenue and growth. In times of upheaval and crisis, brands need to consider what actions (functional and emotional) they can take to comfort and still remain true to their identity. Brands that figure this out will find themselves above water faster when things start to turn around.

Examples of Companies Doing It Right

While some complain far too many organizations are inundating them with COVID-19 response communications, I think it is great. Why wouldn’t people want to know the companies/brands they have supported are involved in making a difference at this time? Here is a cross-section of different brands doing it right to be true to their brand identity and deliver for their customers at this crazy time.

The graphic design platform Canva recently created templates in their library under the hashtag #stopthespread. These templates are free as is and can be published on almost any social platform, and even printed. Or for a small fee, editable templates can be downloaded to incorporate custom branding or messaging. The effort exemplifies how Canva works together with their current and new customers to deliver a consistent message to support a global effort, while at the same time engaging and encouraging usage of their tools.

Within a few days of the CARE Act being passed by Congress, BofA issued an email to its small business client base describing how they would step-up to help. Just distilling the legislation down into something easy to understand is useful.

Many likely feel that the mind and body are taking a toll as we go through this pandemic. LinkedIn recognized that stress and anxiety are real issues for so many that need to work from home now and without childcare. So they have offered several free courses around mindfulness. This is just a simple way to recognize where their audience is today, and still stay true to what LinkedIn does for brands and organizations around the world.

The SEO community really lives up to the meaning of being a support system. is on a mission to educate and help even the novice try to understand what it means to build up your SEO presence. Understanding that some of the small businesses and agencies who use Moz are now financially strapped, they are offering some of their paid courses for free. It is such a simple act of kindness by a brand that creates a lasting impression and commitment by prospects and customers alike.

Knowing health and wellness are critical when managing through uncertain times, this online workout service has made their premium services available free for 60-days to new clients and automatically upgraded all existing current members. They are keeping in mind how they are perceived as a subscription service during this time to give before receiving.

Under their theme “We all move forward together”, Peloton is proactively supporting existing customers with membership fee coverage or extended trials for new subscribers like Daily Burn. They are also making donations to healthcare providers and food banks. Every action they make is tied to their core value proposition. 

This pandemic will come to an end. When, not sure. How your brand personality is perceived through this time will dictate how your brand will fare and grow once this pandemic is over. People continue to show kindness to each other during this time. Brands can do the same.

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